What about headaches?
It is very common for people who have had a concussion injury to have headaches. Brain injury creates neuroinflammation. Force strong enough to cause concussion may cause whiplash injury: whiplash injury creates excess muscle tension and spasm. There are muscles that travel through your neck and attach to your head, and you may have a tension headache. Tense muscles may also contribute to pinching your occipital nerves which exit the skull posteriorly, branch and one branch projects forward over your ear into your temple, and the other one over the top of your head. Pinched nerves cause sharp, shooting pain. Excess muscle tension can interfere with lymphatic drainage, which is also critical. Patients with concussion injury will benefit from neck massage/craniosacral massage work.
When does treatment end?
Recovery is ongoing. Continue to engage in therapeutic activities, eat healthy, sleep well, exercise, and identify areas of recovery to focus on. Additional HBOT treatments are beneficial. Autologous (from your own body) stem cell transplants help. Identify a provider who is willing to help guide you through the process. Get the best out of your life!
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