Revitalize and heal with pressurized oxygen

About Dr. Henricks

I’ve been a practicing neurologist in Tucson, Arizona, since 1999, focusing on coordinating  all the best traditional and alternative therapies to optimize patient outcome. In 2004, I added the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) as an adjunctive neurological therapy for my patients as part of a complex neurological recovery program. My private practice is dual: hyperbaric oxygen therapy and neurology.

Work with Veterans and First Responders

TBI is a focus of my work with our military veterans and first responders . As a regular writer for the blog, I discuss HBOT as an effective treatment for TBI, the misdiagnoses of PTSD that can lead to unnecessary medication, and the hard-won triumphs over TBI and PTSD. It’s a tremendous honor to work with our servicemen and women, helping them recover and to improve their quality of life.

Brain Science

Ever since my undergraduate days, I’ve been passionate about Brain Science. It led me to numerous research projects, like Artificial Intelligence at the University of Pittsburgh Learning Research and Development Center, Memory Research at Yale University, and brain recording. Throughout my medical education, from my neurology residency to my first fellowship, in clinical neurophysiology, I remained fascinated with how the brain works, studying how it fires patterns as it learns.

Research Experience includes:

NorthStar Hyperbaric facility designated as a treatment center for the NBIRR study treating veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury (Fall 2009). Study completed and data in analysis.

Clinical Drug trials of novel anticonvulsants. University of Michigan  Ann Arbor, Michigan. (July 1995 – June 1997)

Neurophysiology Research. Hahnemann University, Philadelphia Pennsylvania: Clinical Neurophysiology of learning and memory as part of Graduate studies during medical school, but PhD was not completed. I surgically implanted deep brain recording electrodes into rats to correlate the firing patterns with new learning. (Sept 1987 – June 1989)

Memory research. Yale University, New Haven Connecticut. Research assistant in studies using healthy college students to understand how healthy memory functions learning new material. (Sept 1984 – August 1987)

Memory research at University of Pittsburgh Learning Research and Development Center. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Educational and Psychological research assistant: studies on how people learn, understand and remember physics principles. (Sept 1981 – June 1984)

HBOT Presentations :

“Recovery from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy with HBOT as demonstrated by Brain MRI with DTI”. IHMA Meeting, Long Beach, California (August 2012)

“Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in recovery from Spinal Cord Injury” International Hyperbaric Medical Association Meeting (IHMA), Long Beach, California (August 2008)

“Ani: A case study” ( Late recovery from multiple early childhood injuries using HBOT ). IHMA Meeting, Long Beach, California (August 2010).

Other presentations include: Grand Rounds, presentations to local medical societies and interested groups. Member of the Pima County Medical Society Public Health Committee. Written articles have appeared in the Sombrero, Tucson Natural Awakenings and the AAPS journal.

Other Work:

Staff Neurologist at Tucson Heart Hospital, on call 24 – 7 for consults. (2001 – November 2012) *Hospital closed.

Staff Neurologist at Arizona Training Program. Neurological consultant to all residents. Residents have suffered devastating neurological conditions since childhood (2003 – 2013)

Clinical Supervisor at the St. Andrews Clinic for Crippled Children. Nogales, Arizona. Volunteer work managing problems in children with crippling neurological conditions. (1998 – 2007)

Medical Education & Training:

University of Arizona: Behavioral Neurology Fellowship 1998

University of Michigan: Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship 1997

Hahnemann University Hospital: Neurology Residency 1995

Hahnemann University Hospital: Internship 1992 General Medicine

Hahnemann University School of Medicine MD 1991 Medicine

Washington and Jefferson College Psychology BA 1981 Psychology

About NorthStar Neurology

Brain Science has been the focus of all of Dr. Carol Henricks’ education and training. She opened her private neurology practice, NorthStar Neurology, in 1999 as a place for patients to begin their neurological healing with the benefit of including nutritional recommendations and alternative treatments. The Tucson, Arizona neurology practice has become a destination for patients who want an independent alternative to invasive or highly medicated treatments for their neurological conditions.

A former Chief Resident of Neurology, Dr. Henricks is a medical doctor who trained as a neurologist at a large inner city hospital. At NorthStar Neurology, she treats neurological conditions of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. An excellent diagnostician, she has sub-specialty training as an Epileptology's, a Sleep Disorder specialist and in evaluation of cognitive and memory disorders.

NorthStar Neurology’s therapies address these and other neurological conditions:

  • ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)

  • TBI

  • Memory Disorders, including Alzheimer’s

  • MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

  • Seizures

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Stroke

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Migraine

NorthStar Neurology P.C. / NorthStar Hyperbaric
NorthStar Neurology P.C. / NorthStar Hyperbaric

About NorthStar Hyperbaric (HBOT)

NorthStar Hyperbaric (aka NorthStar HBOT) is the treatment center of Dr. Carol Henricks’ private practice in Tucson, Arizona. NorthStar Hyperbaric’s unique oxygen therapies reduce inflammation and enhance healing, using 100% medical grade oxygen in a carefully controlled, supervised setting.

Dr. Henricks founded NorthStar Hyperbaric in 2004 as part of innovative non-invasive healing programs for multiple neurological conditions, including:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI, aka concussion)

  • Memory loss

  • Neuro-degenerative disorders